An initiative of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), SPOTT (Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit) is an online platform supporting sustainable commodity production and trade. By tracking transparency, SPOTT incentivises the implementation of corporate best practice.
The team at ZSL SPOTT understood the necessity to win greater support for their work from the financial community and, owing to our experience in working with organisations targeting international responsible finance audiences, we were engaged to review and provide recommendations to improve the content and user experience of the SPOTT website.
Our primary responsibility was to identify ways in which the website could better target responsible finance sector audiences, without deviating from the ZSL brand guidelines.
Our in-depth analysis, combined with a suite of bespoke recommendations, was supported by examples from related initiatives that we felt offered value in inspiring the continual development of the SPOTT platform experience.
Like many websites that have been been live for a time, some areas of the site were more up-to-date and representative of the direction ZSL wanted to go in than others. We took a deep dive into the site, analysing everything from page layout to overall site structure, producing a suite of wireframes that proposed ways that they could enhance the UX and provide greater consistency of content and navigation. This gave ZSL a reference for targeted enhancements that would drive greater engagement and clarity for users, without requiring ZSL to completely overhaul the website.
The types of analysis we conducted fell into these categories:
We delivered a tailor-made insights and recommendations report that took into consideration not only the SPOTT website experience but social media channels as well.
We structured our observations and recommendations into:
As well as a large body of insight, our recommendations report included a plan for how ZSL could engage members of the SPOTT primary target audiences to learn where the platform’s strengths and weaknesses lie. This helped the ZSL team prioritise resource allocation to feature and design enhancements. Our plan also included methods the client could use to conduct low-cost usability testing and insight gathering – critical for gaining valuable insight from overseas users in particular.
Our recommendations for enhancements to content, design, ergonomics, functionality, UX and SEO continue to be rolled out on the SPOTT tool with the ongoing measurement of their impact a critical part of the project’s success.
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